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Watch Guards Service

camaras  de sefuridad, guardia de seguridad, guardia virtual, sistemas de vigilancia
guardia de seguridad, guardia virtual, camaras de seguridad

We take advantage of Artificial Intelligence to remote guard and protect our clients 


Historically, local authorities, companies, and homeowners have been relying on physical security guards and passive security systems to protect urban areas and prevent crime, this approach is costly and unreliable. Guards can easily get tired and the passive security systems will relay information after the crime has already taken place.


Using Artificial Intelligence and Video-Analytics technologies combined with our 24/7 monitoring center we offer "Remote Watch Guard" services as our core service. We basically get to places where normally require physical guards and by using video rules and humans pattern detection algorithms we can trigger events under any suspicious activity. When an alert is generated this is received on our 24/7 monitoring where a security protocol is activated for a real-time remote intervention via voice-down and/or engaging  the required authorities. 


Our service is offered on a "As as Service" scheme in which we basically include all the required components: hardware, software, remote agents and installation services as part of our service package.


If you are looking for reducing security operational costs or need to complement your current physical security, our "Remote Watch Guard" is what you need, please contact us immediately.





Our Packages

Essential AI Package

- Perimeter  Monitoring

- Object Detection Monitoring

- Loitering Detection Monitoring

- Badly Parked Vehicles Monitoring

- Restricted Access Monitoring

Advanced AI Package

- Perimeter  Monitoring

- Object Detection Monitoring

- Loitering Detection Monitoring

- Badly Parked Vehicles Monitoring

- Restricted Access Monitoring

- Speed Detection Monitoring

- LPR Control Monitoring

- Remote Open/Close Gates/Doors

- Thermal Vision for Industrial Assets monitoring*


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